The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1644
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[]Canary, (Hilary) Glenn (1934-2008) (about) (chron.)
- * Academic Freedom, (ss) Manhunt April 1962
- * Because of Everything, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1962
- * Brother, Dear, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1961
- * The Door, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1963
- * The Guilty Flee, (ss) Rogue February 1962
- * Interference, (ss) Manhunt October 1963
- * The Knife, (ss) Manhunt April 1961
- * Long Night’s Journey Into Queens, (ss) The Dude March 1960
- * Madison Avenue I Left You, (ar) Mr. March 1963
- * Menage a Trois, (hu) The Dude September 1961
- * No Escape, (ss) Manhunt June 1963
- * She and Me and Pke, (ss) Rogue March 1962
- * She’s Nothing but Trouble, (ss) Manhunt August 1960
- * Too Much to Prove, (ss) Manhunt October 1960
- * Trainee, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1962
- * Vengeance with Flowers, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1964
- * A Very Moral Person, (ss) Rogue December 1962
- * We Don’t Believe in Fairy Tales, (ss) Rogue December 1961
- * A Winter’s Tale, (ss) The Dude September 1960
[]Canary, Robert H. (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * The Contexts for Cabell, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977 [Ref. James Branch Cabell]; adapted from a paper presented at a seminar of the Modern Language Association.
- * Fables of Art in The Silver Stallion, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970 [Ref. James Branch Cabell]; presented as a paper at the MLA Cabell Seminar in Denver, Dec 1969.
- * An Informal Report of an Informal Meeting Between the Two, Count Them Two (2) Groups Dedicated to the Work of James Branch Cabell, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * Whatever Happened to the Cabell Revival?, (ar) Kalki #22, 1974 [Ref. James Branch Cabell]
[]Cañas, Isabel (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * All the Things I Know About Ghosts, by Ofelia, Age 10, (ss) The Deadlands #30, October 2023
- * At the Frayed Edges of the Night, (vi) Frozen Wavelets #1, Fall 2019
- * Babywings, (vi) Lightspeed #174, November 2024
- * The Kingdom of the Butterflies, (nv) Luna Station Quarterly #40, December 2019
- * A Land of Saints and Monsters, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #334, July 15 2021
- * My Sister Is a Scorpion, (vi) Lightspeed #135, August 2021
- * No Other Life, (ss) Nightmare #82, July 2019
- * NotRob, (vi) Nightmare #145, October 2024
- * The Rustle of Growing Things, (vi) Lightspeed #146, July 2022
- * Six Goats, (ss) Fireside Magazine #103, Summer 2022
- * There Are No Monsters on Rancho Buenavista, (vi) Nightmare #117, June 2022
- * Three Things That Happen the Night My Dad Dies, (ss) The Deadlands #35, Summer 2024
- * The Weight of a Thousand Needles, (ss) Lightspeed #109, June 2019
_____, [ref.]
[]Canavan, Aidan-Paul (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Assail, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #314, October 2014 [Ref. Ian C. Esslemont]
- * The Black Prism, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #310, June 2014 [Ref. Brent Weeks]
- * Book Culling—Murder or Mercy? (with Jen Gunnels), (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #270, February 2011
- * Calling a Sword a Sword, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #285, May 2012
- * Forge of Darkness, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #288, August 2012 [Ref. Steven Erikson]
- * The Future of Fantasy, or, How I Learned to Stop Questing and Love the Dragon, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #276, August 2011
- * A Guile of Dragons, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #289, September 2012 [Ref. James Enge]
- * “Let’s hunt some orc!”: Reevaluating the Monstrosity of Orcs, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #318, February 2015 [Ref. J. R. R. Tolkien]
- * Liminality in Fantastic Fiction: A Poststructuralist Approach, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #321, May 2015 [Ref. Sandor Klapcsik]
- * Willful Child, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #334, June 2016 [Ref. Steven Erikson]
- * Wynonna Earp, Season One, (mr) The New York Review of Science Fiction #340, December 2016
[]Canavan, Gerry (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor (with Tom Christopher, Don Ezra Cruz, Patrick Egan & Jaimee Hills): Backwards City Review Fll 2004, Spr 2005, Wtr 2006
- * Editor (with Tom Christopher, Don Ezra Cruz, Patrick Egan, Jaimee Hills & Jennifer Whitaker): Backwards City Review Fll 2006, Spr 2007
- * Editor (with Tom Christopher, Patrick Egan, Jaimee Hills & Jennifer Whitaker): Backwards City Review Fall 2007
_____, [ref.]
[]Canavan, Trudi (1969- ) (chron.)
- * Camp Follower, (ss) Fearsome Journeys ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2013
- * Eye of the Beholder, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #19, 2019
- * The Lost Property Room, (ss) Dreaming Again ed. Jack Dann, HarperCollins Australia, 2008
- * The Mad Apprentice [Black Magician World], (nv) Legends of Australian Fantasy ed. Jack Dann & Jonathan Strahan, Harper Voyager Australia, 2010
- * Salt of the Earth [Doctor Who], (nv) Doctor Who: Time Trips: The Collection, BBC Books, 2015
- * Whispers of the Mist Children, (ss) Aurealis #23, 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Aurealis #19, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) Orb Speculative Fiction #3/4, 2002
- * [front cover], (cv) Fables and Reflections #5, August 2003
_____, [ref.]
- * The Art of Balance—Interview with Trudi Canavan by Gillian Polack, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #28, 2007
- * Interview—Trudi Canavan by Donna Maree Hanson & Terri Sellen, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #6, April 2003
- * Interview with Trudi Canavan by Crisetta MacLeod, (iv) Aurealis #54, September 2012
- * An Interview with Trudi Canavan by Kate Forsyth, (iv) Aurealis #43, June 2010
- * Plain Speaking with Trudi Canavan by Chris Large, (iv) Aurealis #87, February 2016
[]Canaway, W(illiam) H(amilton) (1925-1988) (chron.)
- * Camera Angles: New Books, (br) Argosy (UK) September 1967
- * Courage Is Catching, (ss) Argosy (UK) February 1968
- * The Cuckoo and the Caterpillar, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1967
- * Find the Boy, (nv)
- * Grey Seas of Jutland, (ex) Hutchinson, 1966
- * New Books, (br) Argosy (UK) March 1969
- * Old Huw’s Autumn Run, (ss) Lilliput August 1957
- * One Step from Disaster on Slate Mountain, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1968
- * Puss Puss, (ss) Mayfair v4 #11, 1969
[]Canby, Henry Seidel (1878-1961) (chron.)
- * All Our Yesterdays, (br) The Saturday Review of Literature January 4 1930 [Ref. H. M. Tomlinson]
- * The Best Bait for Mosquitoes, (ss) The Century Magazine May 1915
- * Business Is Business, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly September 1913
- * College Life in the Nineties, (ar) Harper’s Magazine February 1936
- * Égalité, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly March 1911
- * Fiction Tells All, (ar)
- * Foreword, (fw) The American Reader ed. Claude M. Simpson & Allan Nevins, D.C. Heath, 1941
- * The Fouth of July, (ss) The Youth’s Companion June 1 1922
- * Fräulein Dorothy, (ss) The Outlook September 29 1900
- * Great Discovery About Buxton, (ss) The Century Magazine October 1912
- * Home in the Nineties, (ar)
- * Kerrigan and the True Romance, (ss) The Forum August 1909
- * Life in the Nineties: Home and Parents—A Study in Memory, (ar) Harper’s Magazine August 1934
- * Literature in a Democracy, (es) The Century Magazine January 1920
- * On the Paris Train, (vi) The Smart Set December 1900
- * Our Erratic Idealism, (es) The Century Magazine December 1919
- * Religion and Democracy, (es) The Century Magazine March 1920
- * The Sixth Column, (ed) The Saturday Review of Literature 1941
- * Spes Unica, (ar) Harper’s Magazine November 1918
- * War Books, (br) The Saturday Review of Literature June 7 1930
[]Cancilla, Dominick (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Aftershock, (vi) Black October Magazine v1 #1, 1996
- * Apron Strings, (ss) Night Terrors #1, June 1996
- * Bad Weather, (ss) Cemetery Dance #50, 2004
- * The Blanch, (ss) Humans Are the Problem ed. Willow Becker & Michael Cluff, Weird Little Worlds, 2021
- * Brother Tubro, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #44, July 2021
- * Cold Connection, (ss) Brutarian #24, 1998
- * Collecting Peoplecards, (ar) The Spook #14, December 2002
- * The Cubicle Wall, (ss) Poe’s Progeny ed. Gary Fry, Gray Friar Press, 2005
- * Deathmask, (ss) October Dreams ed. Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance, 2000
- * Disney’s Haunted Mansion, (ar) The Spook #4, October 2001
- * Dispassionate Muse, (ss) The Urbanite #5, 1995
- * The Execution Trick, (ss) The Spook #1, July 2001
- * Expression of Desire, (ss) Bending the Landscape: Fantasy ed. Nicola Griffith & Stephen Pagel, White Wolf, 1997
- * He Got Game: Warcraft 3, (gr) The Spook #12, September 2002
- * Her Master’s Hand, (ss) Embraces ed. Paula Guran, Venus or Vixen Press, 2000
- * The Hunger of Lazarus, (ss) Delirium #2, 2000
- * Inner Workings, (ss) The Asylum, Vol. 2: The Violent Ward ed. Victor Heck, DarkTales Publications, 2002
- * Inside, (vi) Outer Darkness #7, Spring 1996
- * Into the Kiln, (vi) Night Terrors #6, June 1998
- * Joey and Rue, (ss) Brain Games ed. Juliana Rew, Third Flatiron Publishing, 2020
- * Josh’s Collection, (ss) Cemetery Dance #53, 2005
- * The Kick Inside, (ss) Night Terrors #4, July 1997
- * McGrath, (nv) Whispered from the Grave, Design Image Group, 2000
- * Momentos of an Only Child, (ss) Young Blood ed. Mike Baker, Zebra, 1994
- * One Last E-Ticket Ride, (ss) Going Postal ed. Gerard Daniel Houarner, Space & Time, 1998
- * Picture This, (vi) Cemetery Dance #13, Summer 1992
- * Point of Intersection, (ss) Robert Bloch’s Psychos ed. Robert Bloch, Cemetery Dance, 1997
- * Putty in a Master’s Hands, (ss) The Spook #2, August 2001
- * Race, Culture and Amos ’n’ Andy, (ar) The Spook #7, February 2002
- * Radio Days: Autumn Listening, (ar) The Spook #13, Fall 2002
- * Rebirth, (ss) Dark Whispers ed. Ivan S. Graves, Hard Shell Word Factory, 1998
- * Recapturing Prisoners, (ar) The Spook #8, March 2002
- * Revenant Savior, (ex) The Spook #11, July 2002
- * Rollerball 2002, (mr) The Spook #7, February 2002
- * Same Old Story, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine September 2021
- * Smooth Operator, (ss) Borderlands 5 ed. Elizabeth E. & Thomas F. Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 2003
- * Someone to Come Home To, (ss) Wicked Mystic #24, Fall/Winter 1994
- * Spook Profile: Steven Kutcher, (bg) The Spook #12, September 2002 [Ref. Steven Kutcher]
- * Switchpilot, (ss) The Vanishing Point #2, Winter 2022
- * That’s Mr. Wiggles!, (vi) Horrors! 365 Scary Stories ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1998
- * To Die For, (ss) The Kiss of Death, Design Image Group, 1998
- * Videorama, (ar) The Spook #5, December 2001
- * Weight, (ss) Cemetery Dance #19, Winter 1994
- * The Window Box, (ss) Wetbones #1, Spring 1997
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