The FictionMags Index
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[]Campbell, Ken (1941-2008) (chron.)
- * “As I Came Rising Seventeen”, (pm) Bananas #21, June 1980
- * Father’s Hook: Songs from a Living Son, (ex) Bananas #19, February 1980
- * Ferret Column, (ms) Other Times v1 #2, 1976
- * How Brian Aldiss Changed My Life, (ms) Science Fiction Blues Programme Book by Brian Aldiss, Avernus, 1987 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- * Jest Ferrets, (ms) Other Times v1 #1, 1975/76
- * The Night of the Talking Dog (with Petronilla Whitfield), (ar) Science Fiction Blues by Brian W. Aldiss, Avernus, 1988
- * Wooo-Woo-Wo, (bg) A Is for Brian ed. Frank Hatherley, Margaret Aldiss & Malcolm Edwards, Avernus, 1990
- * [poem], (pm) Bananas #22, August 1980
_____, [ref.]
[]Campbell, Laura (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * By the Library Steps, (ss) New York Evening Post
- * End of the Story, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly July 1908
- * The Finn, (ss) Short Stories September 1911
- * The Grasshopper, (ss) The Black Cat October 1912
- * Inspiration of Perot, (ss) Collier’s August 11 1906
- * The Long White Bridge, (ss) The Smart Set October 1905
- * The Netzuke, (ss) The Black Cat May 1912
- * The Perilous Princess, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion November 1914
- * The Story of Little Pugaroo, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion July 1917
- * Through the Little Blue Gate (Story for Children), (ss) Woman’s Home Companion July 1921
[]Campbell, Laura E. (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Atomic Slippage, (ss) The Diversifier November 1977
- * Dompadry Owes One More Year, (ss) Space and Time #62, Summer 1982
- * Of Wyli Born, (ss) Unearth Spring 1978
- * Supermind, (br) The Diversifier July 1977 [Ref. A. E. Van Vogt]
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #22 Aug 1977, #51 Sum 1984
- * [letter], (lt) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #76, Spring 1981
- * [letter from Davis, CA], (lt) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1981
- * [letter from Davis, CA, 95616], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1977
[]Campbell, Laura J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Coming to Coals Station, (ss) Liquid Imagination #39, November 2018
- * Far Behind, (ss) The Martian Wave October 2021
- * Femmes, (ss) The Martian Wave March 2021
- * Godsent, (ss) Roses & Wildflowers Autumn 2024
- * The Key of Thó Alfagar, (ss) Etherea Magazine #5, December 2021
- * The Mind of Charlie Wrath, (nv) Dragon Gems Spring 2023
- * The Rosabelle Parthenope, (ss) Anvil: Iron Age Magazine #3, Spring 2024
- * Slipping Through the Stars, (nv) Luna Station Quarterly #40, December 2019
- * Sycamore, (ss) Penumbric Speculative Fiction June 2021
[]Campbell, Lesley-Ann (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Black Chakra, (vi) The Sirens Call #48, December 2019
- * Black Reiki, (pm) The Sirens Call #48, December 2019
- * The Intruder, (vi) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Scurry, (vi) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- * Toxic, (vi) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
[]Campbell, [Sir] Malcolm (1885-1948) (about) (chron.)
- * The Badge of Courage, (sa) The Motion Picture Story Magazine August 1911
- * Captured by Riffs, (ss) Boys’ Life February 1939
- * Ferry Service—1914 Variety, (ar) Boys’ Life March 1946
- * How Fast Do You Drive?, (ar) The American Magazine February 1935
- * How I Broke the Record, (ar) The Modern Boy May 5 1928
- * How I Learned to Drive, (ar) The Modern Boy May 19 1928
- * How I Started Motor Racing, (ar) The Modern Boy May 12 1928
- * It Will Happen in 1933, (sy) The Passing Show January 7 1933
- * My Early Flying Thrills, (ar) The Modern Boy May 26 1928
- * My First Win, (ar) The Modern Boy June 2 1928
- * My Greatest Adventure, (ar) Traveller’s Pack #2, June 1934
- * My South Seas Island Adventure, (ar) The Modern Boy June 9 1928
- * Prospecting for Gold, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1939
- * The Rebellious Blossom, (sa) The Motion Picture Story Magazine September 1911
- * Speed, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine July 1933
- * The Spur of Necessity, (sa) The Motion Picture Story Magazine November 1911
- * Thunder Ahead!, (sl) The Modern Boy Dec 9, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 30 1933, Jan 6, Jan 13, Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10,
Feb 17, Feb 24, Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, Apr 7, Apr 14, Apr 21, Apr 28,
May 5 1934
- * Treasure at Cocos, (ar) Boys’ Life November 1935
- * What Is Man’s Greatest Need?, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2155, November 14 1931
- * Won by Inches!, (ss) Boys’ Life January 1939
- * World Records, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1938
- * Yellow Ivory, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1938
_____, [ref.]
[]Campbell, Manning (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Appointment Vacant, (vi) The Corner Magazine August 1925
- * A Deal in Diamonds [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #135, September 1933
- * The House by the River [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #136, October 1933
- * An International Complication, (ss) Gaiety January 1923
- * A Marriage Has been Arranged, (ss) Gaiety April 1924
- * Out of Dressing, (hu) Gaiety February 1923
- * A Road Reconnaissance [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #134, August 1933
- * The Scapegoat [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #138, December 1933
- * Second Thoughts, (vi) The Corner Magazine May 1925
- * Setting the Stage, (vi) The Corner Magazine June 1925
- * Shun the Dark Stranger!, (ss) The Blue Magazine #66, December 1924
- * The Ticket-of-Leave Girl, (ss) The Corner Magazine March 1925
- * To Birmingham and Back [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #137, November 1933
- * Two of a Trade:
* ___ I. [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #133, July 1933
* ___ II. A Road Reconnaissance [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #134, August 1933
* ___ III. A Deal in Diamonds [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #135, September 1933
* ___ IV. The House by the River [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #136, October 1933
* ___ V. To Birmingham and Back [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #137, November 1933
* ___ VI. The Scapegoat [Carlysle & Bill] (with Jenny Orde Kennedy), (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #138, December 1933
- * The Unequal Contest, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine January 1926
- * The Wager, (vi) The Corner Magazine June 1924
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