The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 460
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Korpon, Nicholas (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Alex and the Music Box, (ss) Out of the Gutter #5, December 2008
- * Haymaker, (ss) Needle Winter 2012
- * Intersections, (ss) Crime Factory v2 #7, 2011
- * Jed Ayres Interviewed, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #55, April 2014 [Ref. Jedidiah Ayres]
- * A Knife in the Fate Line, (ss) Noir Nation #3, October 2013
- * Return to the Scene:
* ___ Stay God, (ar) Crime Factory v2 #8, 2011
- * Stay God, (ar) Crime Factory v2 #8, 2011
- * Three-large, (ss) Thuglit #2, November/December 2012
Kostman, Joel (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Chickens, Lobsters, Buicks, (ss) Keys to the City: Tales of a New York City Locksmith by Joel Kostman, DK Ink, 1997
- * The Naked City, (ss) Keys to the City: Tales of a New York City Locksmith by Joel Kostman, DK Ink, 1997
Kramer, Edgar Daniel (1887-1966) (about) (chron.)
- * Atmosphere, (ss) Mystery Magazine #133, June 1 1923
- * Betrayed by Words, (ss) Mystery Magazine #163, September 1 1924
- * The Black Bag, (ss) Mystery Magazine #115, August 15 1922
- * The Brass Button, (ss) Mystery Magazine #127, March 1 1923
- * A Cry in the Night, (ss) Mystery Magazine #99, December 15 1921
- * Discontent, (pm) Short Stories June 25 1932
- * Easy Money, (ss) Mystery Magazine #164, September 15 1924
- * Evidence, (ss) Mystery Magazine #126, February 15 1923
- * Exposing the Merton Case, (ss) Mystery Magazine #128, March 15 1923
- * Gay Laughter, (pm)
- * Green Eyes, (ss) Mystery Magazine #142, October 15 1923
- * He Fell Fer It, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 13 1937
- * Hidden Hate, (ss) Mystery Magazine #106, April 1 1922
- * The Little Green Door, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 19 1923
- * The Long Arm of Malfero, (ss) The Black Mask April 1920
- * Mocking Bird Squares Things, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 11 1921
- * The Powers That Prey, (ss) Mystery Magazine #109, May 15 1922
- * The Ray of Death, (ss) Mystery Magazine #111, June 15 1922
- * The Red Bandanna, (ss) Mystery Magazine #124, January 15 1923
- * The Return of Magee, (ss) Mystery Magazine #130, April 15 1923
- * Sawbones Smashes a Record, (ss) Mystery Magazine #151, March 1 1924
- * Singing Johnny, (pm) Short Stories June 25 1931
- * Solitaire Downes Passes Out, (ss) Mystery Magazine #157, June 1 1924
- * Son of Judas, (ss) Mystery Magazine #118, October 1 1922
- * Soul, (pm)
- * Three Wise Men of Gotham, (ss) Mystery Magazine #147, January 1 1924
- * Too Many Bones, (ss) Mystery Magazine #123, January 1 1923
- * Too Many Crooks, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd February 1927
- * Two-Gun Musses the Play, (ss) Mystery Magazine #161, August 1 1924
- * When a Man’s Dead, (sl) Mystery Magazine #138 Aug 15, #139 Sep 1 1923
Krausse, K(aye) (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Backfire, (ss) Clues Detective Stories September 1938
- * A Bag of Tricks, (nv) Clues Detective Stories March 1936
- * The Best Policy, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 11 1940
- * A Boat for a Boat, (ss) Scarlet Gang Stories March 1936
- * Bring ’Em Back Dead, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly September 24 1938
- * Call It Murder, (nv) Popular Detective July 1937
- * The Case of the Vanishing Hayseed [Darryl Dragonette], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly June 25 1938
- * The Case of the Vanishing Venus [Darryl Dragonette], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 9 1938
- * The Chair Cheaters, (nv) Headquarters Detective May 1936
- * Copper—You’re Going to Die!, (ss) Detective Yarns February 1939
- * Dead Man Kills, (nv) Clues September 1934
- * Dead to Rights, (nv) Thrilling Detective March 1937
- * Death at Three, (ss) Popular Detective April 1936
- * Death of a Gambler, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 27 1935
- * Death of a Green Canary, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly July 29 1939
- * Death of a Mystery Writer, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 8 1934
- * Death of an Angel, (nv) Thrilling Detective October 1938
- * Death of a Raving Beauty, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly February 12 1938
- * The Death Ring of Ori, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 18 1936
- * Death Song, (nv) Pocket Detective Magazine January 1937
- * Death to a Cop, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 7 1935
- * Death Unlimited, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 7 1936
- * Diamonds of Death, (nv) Thrilling Detective August 1937
- * Dynamite in Black and White, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 17 1940
- * Hard as Nails, (nv) Double Detective October 1941
- * He Married Murder, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly December 24 1938
- * Invitation to Murder, (ss) Pocket Detective Magazine May 1937
- * A Kill for Keeps [Dallas “Dall” Bradfield], (nv) Popular Detective June 1937
- * A Little Job of Murder, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 24 1941
- * Little Kill, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 9 1940
- * Me, Opportunist [Dallas “Dall” Bradfield], (ss) Popular Detective April 1937
- * Me, Sir Galahad, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 11 1937
- * Messenger of Death, (ss) Detective Tales November 1936
- * Million Dollar Knockout, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly June 12 1937
- * Murder on My Hands, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly October 22 1938
- * Murdertown: One Mile, (ss) Popular Detective January 1936
- * The Percolator Murder Case, (ss) Super-Detective Stories May 1934
- * The Picture Puzzle Murders, (ss) Pocket Detective Magazine July 1937
- * Red Bait for Murder, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 24 1936
- * Satan’s Murder Deputy, (na) Thrilling Detective September 1936
- * Stubborn Streak, (ss) True Gang Life February 1936
- * Thimbleful of Murder, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 25 1937
- * Unorthodox, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 25 1936
Krebs, Roland (1899-1970) (about) (chron.)
- * After Taking, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 14 1925
- * All in His Throat, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 31 1924
- * All Stuck Up, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 7 1924
- * Amateur Night [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 31 1928
- * Another Little Drop, (ss) Western Story Magazine March 17 1928
- * Bad Medicine for Bad Boys, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 27 1923
- * The Bag Grab, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 29 1927
- * Balloon Chasers, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1925
- * Bandit Queens Are Trumps, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 28 1926
- * Bars and Music, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 24 1923
- * Beauty’s Ghost [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 4 1930
- * The Best of the Worst of It, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 4 1924
- * Beware of Imitations, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 1 1924
- * Big Feet and Little Feat [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 10 1929
- * The Bigger They Are, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 2 1925
- * Bottled Jumping Jack, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 25 1924
- * Bright Dummy [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 27 1929
- * Burglar Shy, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 1 1928
- * The Burglar’s Judge, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 1 1923
- * A Busy Wire, (ss) Best Detective Magazine August 1934
- * Candy Kidding [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1927
- * The Catch in It [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 27 1929
- * A Chased Kisser [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 2 1929
- * The Children’s Hour [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 3 1928
- * Cleaned Up by a Bozo, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 28 1925
- * Close to the Vest [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 2 1929
- * Clothes Make the Robber, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1927
- * Clothes Wake the Man, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 3 1924
- * Cold Comfort, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * Cough This Off, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 9 1927
- * Crumby Takes the Cake, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 31 1927
- * Culture Pays [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1928
- * Cupid Packs a Gun, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 18 1927
- * Cupid’s Night Off [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 28 1928
- * The Cut Up [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1928
- * The Devil to Pay [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 2 1928
- * Diggin’ for Trouble, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 1 1926
- * A Disciple of Socrates, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 26 1923
- * Diving High and Dry [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 4 1929
- * Dough Head, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 24 1928
- * Dressed to Rob [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 3 1928
- * The Dye-Hard, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1927
- * Every Pore a Picture [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 19 1929
- * The False Alarm, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 15 1927
- * Fastidious Wilfred, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
- * Fiddle Fooled [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 11 1928
- * Flying Time! [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1928
- * Follow Your Nose, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 14 1923
- * For Cooking, Lighting and Burglars, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 5 1924
- * For the Lack of Cents, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 15 1924
- * Found by the Janitor, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 21 1923
- * Frosty Criminals, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 18 1926
- * Get Yer Gun!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1927
- * The Greedy Guy, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 17 1923
- * Greedy Guys [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 13 1929
- * Handle with Gloves [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 25 1928
- * A Happy Ending, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 7 1927
- * He Ate Everything, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 19 1924
- * Hell’s Fine Fellows, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 28 1924
- * Here’s How! [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 1 1929
- * Hey-Diddle-Diddle, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 27 1926
- * His Master’s Voices, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 4 1927
- * Honesty Is the West Policy, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 31 1923
- * Horses’ Necks, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 9 1924
- * Iodine and Sonnets, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 19 1923
- * It’s All in the Driver, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 27 1926
- * Justice, Please!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 18 1926
- * Just Like Home, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 13 1926
- * Law and Oscar, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 21 1929
- * The Line Is Out of Order, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 24 1926
- * Long Shot, All Shot!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 15 1928
- * Lucky Star [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1927
- * The March of the Burglars, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 15 1926
- * Marked-Down Policemen, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 12 1925
- * Muffins or Lead!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 10 1926
- * Nothing for Nothing, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 7 1923
- * Not Hot for Blondie, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 10 1933
- * Off Went the Lid, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1936
- * On with the Dance, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 11 1924
- * Papa Spank, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 23 1924
- * Pearls Before Louie, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 12 1930
- * The Perfect Misfit [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1927
- * The Phantom Flop, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 26 1928
- * Pick-Up and Knock-Out [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 18 1930
- * Please Reply Promptly, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 3 1925
- * Pretty Baby!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 8 1925
- * Pride Goeth—Plop!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 30 1922
- * The Proof of the Pudding-Head, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 2 1926
- * Quicker at Figures, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 19 1926
- * Rare, but Well Done, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1929
- * Rest on the Seventh, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 9 1924
- * Reward—500 Smackers [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 28 1930
- * Ring-Wronged, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 14 1926
- * Say It with Flowerpots, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 5 1924
- * A Scrambled Egg [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 14 1928
- * The Seat of Trouble [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 27 1928
- * A Sharp That Fell Flat, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 25 1923
- * Sheik’s Last Word [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 16 1928
- * Sheik’s Mice [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 22 1929
- * Sh-h-h-h, Sh-h-h-h-h!!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 18 1923
- * The Shirt Trail [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 3 1927
- * Shut Up!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 3 1923
- * Silver-Plated Lining, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 17 1924
- * Simp’s Ps-eye-chology [Sheik & Simpson], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 13 1929
- * Sleeping Beauty, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 1 1924
- * The Smoke Snare, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 17 1923
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