The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1023

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    Underworld Love Stories
    Title changed from Underworld Romances.

    • Publishers:
      • Popular Publications, Inc.; 205 East 42nd Street, New York, NY: Underworld Love Stories.

    Underworld Stories   (about)
    Another thin Australian digest, this one seemingly containing only reprint stories. Subtitled “incorporating Crime Story Magazine” even though Crime Story Magazine was being published at the same time. Number of issues published not known.

    • Publishers:
      • Blue Diamond Publishing Company: Underworld Stories.

    Underworlds   (about)
    Underworlds was launched as a tri-annual paperback magazine that sought “to create a bridge between crime fiction (especially, but not necessarily exclusively, of the noir school) and horror fiction”. It folded after only two issues in two years.

    • Publishers:
      • Underworlds Magazine; Ridgewood, NY: Underworlds.
    • Editors:

    Variety Detective Magazine:   (about)
    Promising “12 stories for 10¢”, Variety Detective Magazine only lasted for 8 issues before changing to Lone Wolf Detective Magazine under which it ran for a further 8 years until wartime shortages brought it to an end. The early issues, at least, featured a number of unacknowledged reprints from Detective-Dragnet Magazine under different author names and titles and there are no doubt many more that have not yet been identified.

    Variety Detective Magazine [Vol. 1 No. 4, April-May 1939] (Ace Magazines, Inc., 10¢, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders)
    • 11 · Homicide Hostess · G. T. Fleming-Roberts · nv
    • 34 · Rapid-Fire Justice · Lionel Paxton · ss
    • 37 · Hell on High Heels · Harold F. Sorensen · ss
    • 46 · Slug Safety [Mike Monk] · John Gregory · ss
      possibly a reprint of “Blood on the Ice” by Anthony Clemens (Secret Agent X, February 1935).
    • 51 · Advertisement for Murder [Nelson Scott] · Eric Lennox · ss
      possibly a reprint of “Murder Meteors” by Donald S. Aitken (Secret Agent X, October 1935).
    • 63 · Satan’s Hour [Robert Corliss] · Paul Adams · vi
      probably a reprint of “The Expert Fixer” by Ralph Andre (Ten Detective Aces, August 1933).
    • 65 · Killer’s Choice [Neal Burton] · Dennis Layton · ss
      probably a reprint of “The Big House Snatch” by Norman A. Daniels (Ten Detective Aces, September 1934).
    • 75 · Marked for a Fadeout [“Flash” Berger] · Leon Dupont · ss
      probably a reprint of “Easy Does It” by W.T. Ballard (Detective-Dragnet Magazine, December 1930).
    • 81 · Portrait of Vengeance · William A. Langford · ss
    • 91 · Beauty and Bullets [Clark Willis] · Ronald Flagg · ss
      probably a reprint of “Hot Cash” by Ralph Powers (Ten Detective Aces, July 1933).
    • 97 · Death Makes a Hero · Arthur Flint · ss
    • 104 · Phantom Legacy [Neil Mahon] · Regis Blake · ss
      probably a reprint of “Blood Money” by Charles Molyneux Brown (Ten Detective Aces, May 1934).

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