The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 930

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    Suspense, the Mystery Magazine   (about)
    This magazine was based on the Columbia Broadcasting System radio show by the same name. Each issue also contained a preview of the next issue in the form of the first two pages of a story to be published in that issue.

    • Publishers:
      • Suspense Magazine, Inc.; 314 No. Robertson Boulevard, Los Angeles 36, CA: Suspense, the Mystery Magazine.
    • Editors:

    Suspense, the Mystery Magazine [v1 #3, January/February 1947] (Suspense Magazine, Inc., 25¢, 112pp, digest)
    • · Double Entry · Roby Wentz · sa [Ref. Robert Minton]
      broadcast December 20, 1945, script by Robert Minton.
    • · Fool Proof · George MaGuire · sa [Ref. John Shaw]
      broadcast November 2, 1943 as “Statement of Employee Henry Wilson”, script by John Shaw.
    • · The Ten Grand · Cleve Cartmill · sa [Ref. Virginia Radcliffe]
      broadcast June 22, 1944, script by Virginia Radcliffe.
    • · The Pasteboard Box · Fred K. Hamm · sa [Ref. Joe Grensabach]
      broadcast January 17, 1946 as “Just a Cardboard Box”, script by Joe Grensabach.
    • · The Black Shawl · H. J. Jonas · sa [Ref. Richard R. Lewis]
      broadcast July 27, 1944, script by Richard R. Lewis.
    • · Of Maestro and Man · Mark O’Steele · sa [Ref. Jo Issinger]
      broadcast July 20, 1944, script by Jo Issinger.
    • · A World of Darkness · Barj Karolian · sa
      broadcast January 20, 1944, scriptwriter not identified but may be director William Spier.

    Suspense Magazine (1951)   (about)
    A second attempt to cash in on the popular CBS radio mystery show of the same name, this version also ran for only four issues but included a wider range of material including a lot of science fiction. There was a companion series of Suspense Novels that ran for 3 issues in 1951 publishing “Strange Pursuit” by N.R. DeMexico, “The Case of the Lonely Lovers” by Will Daemer and “Naked Villainy” by Carl G. Hodges.

    • Publishers:
      • Farrell Publishing Corporation; Chicago, IL: Suspense Magazine.
    • Editors:

    Suspense (UK)   (about)
    Created as a companion magazine to the British Argosy magazine, Suspense published many original stories by crime writers of the first rank. It lasted for 32 issues before being absorbed into its parent magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • The Amalgamated Press, Ltd.; The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London EC4: Suspense (UK), Aug 1958 – Jul 1959.
      • Fleetway Publications, Ltd.; The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London EC4: Suspense (UK), Sep 1959 – Apr 1961.

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