The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1024

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    Lone Wolf Detective Magazine
    Title changed from Variety Detective Magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Ace Magazines, Inc.; 29 Worthington Street, Springfield, MA: Lone Wolf Detective Magazine.
    • Editors:
      • A. A. Wyn - Editor: Lone Wolf Detective Magazine.

    Vengeance Shorts   (about)
    Small pamphlet magazines offering “Thrilling Tales of Crime and Punishment” issued toward the end of the Second World War when paper rationing was at its height.

    • Publishers:
      • Gerald G. Swan, Ltd.: Vengeance Shorts.

    Verdict:   (about)
    Following the successful launch of Manhunt, the publishers launched a similar magazine as Verdict but it never made a mark in a crowded market and folded after only 4 issues, The same publishers tried again three years later but, again, the magazine folded after a brief run.


    • Publishers:
      • Flying Eagle Publications, Inc.; 545 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, NY: Verdict.
    • Editors:

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