The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 396

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    Ed McBain’s Mystery Book   (about)
    Despite the title of “book” this is a digest-size magazine, stated to be published bi-monthly. It should not be confused with Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct Mystery Magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Pocket Books, Inc.; 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, NY: Ed McBain’s Mystery Book.
    • Editors:
      • Ed McBain - Editor: Ed McBain’s Mystery Book.

    Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine   (about)
    Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine is probably the most successful mystery magazine of all time, having run continuously from 1941 to the present day—a staggering 73 years! There are few who would dispute it’s claim of being “The World’s Leading Mystery Magazine”. For a period between 1953 and 1955, after merging with Black Mask Magazine, the masthead read Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine Including Black Mask Magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • American Mercury: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Oct 1941 – Jul 1953.
      • Mercury Publications, Inc.; 527 Madison Avenue, New York 22, NY: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Aug 1953 – Jan 1958.
      • Davis Publications, Inc.; New York: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Feb 1958 – Aug 1992.
      • Dell Magazines; 475 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Sep 1992 – .
    • Editors:
      • Ellery Queen - Editor: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Oct 1941 – Dec 1980.
      • Eleanor Sullivan - Editor: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Jan 1981 – Nov 1991.
      • Janet Hutchings - Editor: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Dec 1991 – .
      • Mildred Falk - Managing Editor: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, May 1943 – May 1948.
      • Robert P. Mills - Managing Editor: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Jun 1948 – Sep 1959.
      • Paul W. Fairman - Managing Editor: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Oct 1959 – Aug 1963.
      • Clayton Rawson - Managing Editor: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Sep 1963 – Jul 1970.
      • Eleanor Sullivan - Managing Editor: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Aug 1970 – May 1975.

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