The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 857

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    Scarlet Gang Smashers (UK)   (about)
    British reprint edition of Scarlet Gang Smashers.

    • Publishers:
      • William C. Merrett, Ltd.: Scarlet Gang Smashers (UK).

    Scientific Detective   (about)
    A saddle-stitched, digest-size magazine of standard crime-adventure fare, Scientific Detective belied its name and had several fact articles and an occasional quiz about its fiction, which appears to be primarily reprint material. Its start date is not known: the earliest issue noted is March 1945 (labelled volume 5 number 1) while the latest known issue is dated May 1948. Precise issues published not known.

    • Publishers:
      • C.D. Publishing Co./B.E.C. Publishing Co.; New York: Scientific Detective.
    • Editors:

    Scientific Detective [Vol. 5 No. 1, March 1945] (C.D. Publishing Co., 25¢, 52pp, digest)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    Scientific Detective [Vol. VI No. 1, March 1946] (B.E.C. Publishing Co., 25¢, 68pp, digest)
    Details supplied by Steven Slutsky.
    • 3 · Tell-Tale Skull · Scott Ellsworth · ss
    • 18 · Untold Stories of the U. S. Secret Service · Phil Glanzer · ar
    • 25 · Not in His Blood · J. Case · ss
    • 28 · The Man Who Coiled and Struck · Joseph Faus · ss
    • 36 · Training for Scotland Yard · Stanley Jackson · ar Tid-Bits
    • 38 · Reconstructing the Murder-ed · [uncredited] · ts The American Weekly
    • 41 · Death in a New York Window · Gabriel Galt · ss
    • 53 · The Case of the Malted Milk Murderer · [uncredited] · ts The American Weekly; given as “The Malted Milk Murderer” in the Table of Contents.
    • 57 · Dragon Cave Justice · Mabel Barton Brown · ss
    • 62 · Two of a Kind · Marshall Kent · ss

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