The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 771

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    New Detective (UK) [#14, n.d. (1953?)] (Pemberton’s (of Manchester) Ltd., pulp)
    Issue not indexed.

    New Mystery   (about)
    A small press, glossy, mystery magazine that ran for 16 issues before moving to the web.

    • Publishers:
      • New Mystery; 175 Fifth Ave, Suite 2001, New York, NY 10010: New Mystery.
    • Editors:

    New Mystery [v4 #1, No. 8, Winter 1996] (New Mystery, $3.95, 60pp+, quarto, cover by R. Crumb)
    The pagination runs, in order: A - F, 1 - 8, R1 - R6, Z1 - Z16, R7 - R12, 9 - 22.
    • 1 · An Ordinary Man · William Campbell Gault · ss; given as “Marksman” on the story itself.
    • R1 · Mall Bimbo Script · Elizabeth Sereni · ss
    • R9 · Daniel’s Case of the Babylonian Idol: An Apocryphal Scripture · [uncredited] · ss (r); given as “Daniel’s Evidence to Babylon” in the Table of Contents, starting on p25.
    • · Carioca Hungry · George Pelecanos · ss

    New Mystery [v6 #1, Summer 1998] (New Mystery, $3.95, 36pp+, octavo)
    Subtitled “Blues Issue”.

    New Mystery Adventures:   (about)

    New Mystery Adventures
    Editor: A. R. Roberts

    • Publishers:
      • Pierre Publications, Inc., 120 West 42nd Street, New York, NY.: New Mystery Adventures.

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