The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 614

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    Guilty Detective Story Magazine [Vol. 4 No. 3, November 1959] ed. W. W. Scott (Feature Publications, Inc., 35¢, digest)
    “The Stool Pigeon” is listed on the cover, but appeared in the January 1960 issue. “Murder on Her Mind” by Charles D. Hammer is listed on the cover, but appeared later in the December 1959 issue of Trapped Detective Story Magazine.
    Details taken from Table of Contents.

    Guilty Detective Story Magazine [v5 #4, June 1961] ed. W. W. Scott (Feature Publications, Inc., 35¢, 128pp, digest)
    “Be Tranquil and Die” by Bryce Walton and “The Smell of Murder” by Donald Honig are listed on the cover, but both appeared later in the August 1961 issue of Trapped Detective Story Magazine.
    Details taken from Table of Contents.

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