British Juvenile Story Papers and Pocket Libraries Index
Index by Name: Page 381
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Richards, Frank (chron.) (continued)
- * Billy Bunter’s Legacy! [Greyfriars], (na) (by H. W. Twyman) The Magnet Library February 20 1926
- * Billy Bunter’s Luck [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library July 16 1921
- * Billy Bunter’s Luck! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 11 1928
- * Billy Bunter’s Lucky Day [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet April 17 1937
- * Billy Bunter’s Masterstroke! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 1 1925
- * Billy Bunter’s Midnight Adventure [Greyfriars], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1923, 1922
- * Billy Bunter’s Minor [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 12 1910
- * Billy Bunter’s Raid [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 14 1908
- * Billy Bunter’s Reformation [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 2 1916
- * Billy Bunter’s Resolutions [Greyfriars], (na) (by H. A. Hinton) The Magnet Library January 1 1910
- * Billy Bunter’s Rich Relation! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 15 1938
- * Billy Bunter’s Smugglers [Greyfriars], (na) (by Stanton Hope) The Magnet Library January 29 1921
- * Billy Bunter’s Speculation [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 5 1920
- * Billy Bunter’s Trials [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library April 16 1910
- * Billy Bunter’s Twin [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet March 26 1938
- * Billy Bunter’s Uncle [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 19 1914
- * Billy Bunter’s Vengeance! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 14 1932
- * Billy Bunter’s Vote [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library April 30 1910
- * Billy Bunter’s Wembley Party [Greyfriars], (na) (by Stanley E. Austin) The Magnet Library October 11 1924
- * Billy Bunter’s Wheeze [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library January 11 1919
- * Billy Bunter’s Windfall [Greyfriars], (na) (by H. A. Hinton) The Magnet Library October 9 1909
- * Billy Bunter’s Windfall! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 26 1937
- * Billy’s Boom! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library April 25 1908
- * Billy’s Competition [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 16 1908
- * Billy’s Treat [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 27 1908
- * A Bird of Passage [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library March 16 1918
- * The Biter Bit [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 22 1913
- * The Black Footballers [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 21 1914
- * Black Magic [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 31 1928
- * Black Magic [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet February 18 1933
- * Blackmail! [Greyfriars], (na) The Magnet November 2 1929
- * Blackmail! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet November 30 1935
- * The Black Man at Greyfriars! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 9 1922
- * A Black-Out Blunder! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet February 24 1940
- * Black Peter’s Treasure [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * Black Peter’s Treasure! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library October 8 1927
- * The Black Prince of Greyfriars! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet October 28 1939
- * The Black Sheep! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 29 1935
- * The Black Sheep of Highcliffe [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library February 22 1919
- * The Black Sheep of the Sixth! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 22 1929
- * The Blindness of Bunter [Greyfriars], (na) (by F. G. Cook) The Magnet Library April 3 1920
- * Bluffing the Beaks! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet July 18 1931
- * Blundell’s Prize [Greyfriars], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Magnet Library March 7 1914
- * Bob Cherry in Search of His Father [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 15 1911
- * Bob Cherry’s Barring-Out! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 21 1912
- * Bob Cherry’s Benefit [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 16 1910
- * Bob Cherry’s Big Bargain! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 20 1929
- * Bob Cherry’s Burden! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet July 10 1937
- * Bob Cherry’s Challenge [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library January 15 1916
- * Bob Cherry’s Chase [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library April 12 1913
- * Bob Cherry’s Luck [Greyfriars], (na) (by John Nix Pentelow) The Magnet Library April 30 1921
- * Bob Cherry’s Secret [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 15 1913
- * Bob Cherry’s Secret [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library March 27 1920
- * Bob Cherry Wins Through! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 20 1926
- * The Bogus Beak! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 13 1936
- * Bold Bad Bunter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 30 1932
- * Bold, Bad Bunter [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * Bolsover Minor’s Bolt [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 22 1912
- * Bolsover Minor’s Last Sacrifice [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library February 17 1912
- * Bolsover’s Brother [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library January 20 1912
- * Bolsover’s Brother [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 2 1927
- * Bolsover’s Enemy! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 29 1918
- * Bolsover’s Way! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 8 1918
- * The Boot-Boy’s Luck! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet November 13 1931
- * The Boot-Boy’s Lucky Break [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Bootleggers’ Revenge [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 23 1929
- * Boss of the Study [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * Both Bunters! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 1 1924
- * Bound by Honour! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library January 15 1927
- * Bounder and Captain [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet March 26 1932
- * Bounder and Sticker! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet March 16 1940
- * The Bounder of Greyfriars [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 21 1910
- * The Bounder of Greyfriars [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Bounder on the Trail! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 20 1940
- * The Bounder’s Big Bluff! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet April 14 1934
- * The Bounder’s Blunder! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 5 1931
- * The Bounder’s Capture! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet October 14 1933
- * The Bounder’s Double! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 27 1939
- * The Bounder’s Dupe! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet October 21 1939
- * The Bounder’s Farewell [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library January 10 1920
- * The Bounder’s Fault! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 8 1919
- * The Bounder’s Feud [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Bounder’s Feud! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library April 2 1927
- * The Bounder’s Folly! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet April 9 1932
- * The Bounders Folly! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet February 10 1934
- * The Bounder’s Good Turn [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet August 5 1933
- * The Bounder’s Good Turn! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 9 1927
- * The Bounder’s Guest [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library October 14 1916
- * The Bounder’s Lesson [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Bounder’s Luck! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 7 1932
- * The Bounder’s Match! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 16 1917
- * The Bounder’s Peril! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 1 1937
- * The Bounder’s Relapse [Greyfriars], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Magnet Library December 25 1915
- * The Bounder’s Rival! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet March 24 1934
- * The Bounder’s Sacrifice! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 26 1934
- * The Bounder’s Triumph! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 9 1912
- * The Bounder’s Triumph! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet March 23 1940
- * The Bounder’s Way! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Stanley E. Austin) The Magnet Library October 10 1925
- * The Bounder’s Way! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 30 1917
- * The Bounder’s Win! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 4 1927
- * Bound for Africa! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 4 1922
- * Bound for Africa! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 30 1924
- * Bound for America! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library January 26 1929
- * Bound for Bhanipur! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 21 1926
- * Bound for the Wild West! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet April 9 1938
- * Bowling Out Bunter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Stanley E. Austin) The Magnet Library January 2 1926
- * The Boxing ’Beak’! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 10 1933
- * The Boy Behind the Scenes! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet August 14 1937
- * The Boy from Baker Street! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 30 1939
- * The Boy from New York [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy from South Africa [Greyfriars], (na) (by John Nix Pentelow) The Magnet Library May 20 1916
- * The Boy from the East! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 2 1928
- * The Boy from the Farm [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 30 1914
- * The Boy from the Underworld [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 24 1932
- * The Boy from the Underworld [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy Headmaster! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 17 1928
- * Boy Scouts from the ’Faderland’ [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 21 1909
- * A Boy’s Cross-roads! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 11 1925
- * The Boy Who Came Back! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet July 31 1937
- * The Boy Who Couldn’t Run Straight! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet September 25 1937
- * The Boy Who Found His Father [St. Kit’s], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy Who Found His Father! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 14 1927
- * The Boy Who Knew Too Much [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy Who Knew Too Much! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 13 1931
- * The Boy Who Knew Too Much! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet September 5 1936
- * The Boy Who Wouldn’t Be Tamed! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet October 8 1938
- * The Boy Who Wouldn’t Make Friends [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 18 1936
- * The Boy Who Wouldn’t Split! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 5 1937
- * The Boy with a Bad Name [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy with a Bad Name! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library April 28 1923
- * The Boy with a Borrowed Name! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet October 12 1935
- * The Boy with a Guilty Secret [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 14 1933
- * The Boy with an Enemy! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 5 1936
- * The Boy with a Past [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy with a Past! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library October 27 1928
- * The Boy with a Secret [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy Without a Friend [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy Without a Friend! [Greyfriars], (na) The Magnet September 14 1929
- * The Boy Without a Name [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Boy Without a Name! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 10 1931
- * Bravo Bulstrode! [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library July 22 1922
- * Bravo Bunter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 6 1927
- * Bravo, Bunter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library February 8 1919
- * Bravo the Bounder! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 27 1913
- * The Broken Bond [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Broken Bond! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 21 1918
- * Brother and Prefect! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library October 17 1925
- * The Brotherhood of Justice! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet November 24 1934
- * A Brother’s Sacrifice! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 12 1931
- * The Bruiser of Greyfriars [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Bruiser of the Remove! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library January 8 1927
- * Buck Up, Bunter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 9 1925
- * The Bully of Greyfriars [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 5 1909
- * The Bully’s Brother [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 8 1911
- * The Bully’s Chance [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 4 1911
- * The Bully’s Remorse [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 6 1911
- * Bulstrode on the Warpath [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 24 1911
- * The Bunking of Billy Bunter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 16 1934
- * The Bunking of Bunter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 22 1924
- * Bunter! [Greyfriars] (with Percy Harrison), (sg) (by Charles Hamilton) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1937, 1936, as by Jeff Lytton & Frank Richards
- * Bunter Beats the Gangsters! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 30 1936
- * Bunter—Big Game Hunter [Greyfriars], (na) (by Stanley E. Austin) The Magnet Library January 12 1929
- * Bunter Caught! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 5 1925
- * Bunter Comes to Stay! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 29 1928
- * Bunter Comes to Stay! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 28 1929
- * The Bunter Court Eleven! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 15 1925
- * The Bunter Cup! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1925, 1924
- * Bunter Gets His Own Back! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet November 23 1935
- * Bunter Gets the Boot [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet March 19 1938
- * Bunter in Bankruptcy [Greyfriars], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925
- * Bunter of Bunter Court [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * Bunter of Bunter Court! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 25 1925
- * Bunter on the Boards [Greyfriars], (na) (by Noel Wood-Smith) The Magnet Library December 20 1919
- * Bunter on the Spot! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 19 1937
- * Bunter on the Spot! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet September 23 1939
- * Bunter’s Amazing Adventure! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library February 23 1929
- * Bunter’s Anti-Tuck Campaign! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library October 16 1915
- * Bunter’s Aunt Sally [Greyfriars], (na) (by F. G. Cook) The Magnet Library August 2 1919
- * Bunter’s Baby [Greyfriars], (na) (by H. A. Hinton) The Magnet Library August 7 1920
- * Bunter’s Bank Notes [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 20 1915
- * Bunter’s Barring-In! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 19 1926
- * Bunter’s Barring-Out! [Greyfriars], (na) (by F. G. Cook) The Magnet Library June 23 1923
- * Bunter’s Bid for a Fortune! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 11 1936
- * Bunter’s Big Bluff! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 1 1928
- * Bunter’s Big Bluff! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 6 1933
- * Bunter’s Big Bluff! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet February 5 1938
- * Bunter’s Big Blunder! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 8 1938
- * Bunter’s Big Brother [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library February 3 1917
- * Bunter’s Black Chum [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library January 31 1914
- * Bunter’s Bluff! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 31 1920
- * Bunter’s Bodyguard! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 8 1928
- * Bunter’s Bolt! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 25 1922
- * Bunter’s Brainstorm [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 19 1927
- * Bunter’s Bust-Up [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 10 1910
- * Bunter’s Christmas Portrait [Greyfriars], (na) (by C. M. Down) The Magnet Library December 27 1919
- * Bunter’s Christmas Present! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 24 1927
- * The Bunters’ Conspiracy! [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library February 18 1922
- * Bunter’s Hundred-Pound Boater [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet July 8 1933
- * Bunter’s Latest! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 9 1918
- * Bunter’s Latest! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library March 10 1923
- * Bunter’s Lawsuit! [Greyfriars], (na) (by F. G. Cook) The Magnet Library October 21 1922
- * Bunter’s Night Out! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 9 1932
- * Bunter’s Orders! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 4 1937
- * Bunter’s Picnic! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 21 1921
- * Bunter Spills the Beans [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 7 1935
- * Bunter’s Poor Relations! [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library February 16 1924
- * Bunter’s Prize Essay [Greyfriars], (na) (by W. L. Catchpole) The Magnet Library April 28 1928
- * Bunter’s Raffle! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library July 15 1922
- * Bunter’s Report! [Greyfriars], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1930, 1929
- * Bunter’s Treasure Trove! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Stanley E. Austin) The Magnet Library May 29 1926
- * Bunter’s Typing Agency [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library August 30 1919
- * Bunter’s Vengeance [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library January 30 1909
- * Bunter’s Very Latest! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library October 22 1921
- * Bunter Tells the Truth! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet October 19 1935
- * Bunter the Bad Lad [Greyfriars], (na) (by Hedley O’Mant) The Magnet Library July 23 1927
- * Bunter, the Bad Lad [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * Bunter the Bandit [Greyfriars], (na) (by F. G. Cook) The Magnet Library July 2 1921
- * Bunter the Bandit [Greyfriars], (na) (by F. G. Cook) The Magnet Library June 23 1923
- * Bunter the Bandit [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet November 30 1929
- * Bunter the Bankrupt [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 15 1920
- * Bunter the Bard! [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library September 24 1921
- * Bunter the Benevolent [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * Bunter the Benevolent! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 31 1927
- * Bunter the Billionaire! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet August 18 1934
- * Bunter the Blade [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library February 13 1915
- * Bunter the Blade [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * Bunter the Bold [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 21 1927
- * Bunter the Bolshevik [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 21 1919
- * Bunter the Boss! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 18 1928
- * Bunter the Boxer [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 28 1909
- * Bunter the Bragger! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 22 1938
- * Bunter the Bully [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 11 1909
- * Bunter the Bully! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet December 16 1933
- * Bunter the Cavalier! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library April 18 1925
- * Bunter the Crasher! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet January 6 1934
- * Bunter the Crook! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 10 1922
- * Bunter the Detective! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library November 13 1909
- * Bunter the Dodger! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 30 1934
- * Bunter the Farmer [Greyfriars], (na) (by C. M. Down) The Magnet Library June 12 1920
- * Bunter the Footballer [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet February 4 1933
- * Bunter the Hunter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library August 18 1923
- * Bunter the Hypnotist! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet June 18 1938
- * Bunter the Ink-Splasher! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 10 1930
- * Bunter the Lion-Tamer [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet July 4 1936
- * Bunter the Masher [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 18 1915
- * Bunter, the Mischief Maker [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * Bunter the Prize-Hunter [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 3 1930
- * Bunter the PrizeWinner [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 13 1913
- * Bunter the Prophet! [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library March 14 1925
- * Bunter the Punter! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 28 1918
- * Bunter, the Stowaway! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 3 1927
- * Bunter the Swat [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library March 19 1921
- * Bunter the Truthful! [Greyfriars], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1934, 1933
- * Bunter the Ventriloquist! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet July 29 1933
- * Bunter the Ventriloquist! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet May 12 1934
- * Bunter to the Rescue! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library April 20 1918
- * By Luck and Pluck! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library June 16 1928
- * By Order of the Form’ [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library December 30 1911
- * By Sheer Grit! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library October 28 1911
- * By Wingate’s Aid [Greyfriars], (na) (by Stanton Hope) The Magnet Library February 26 1921
- * The Cad of the Sixth [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library February 26 1910
- * The Cad’s Trial [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library May 28 1910
- * Called to the Colours [Greyfriars], (na) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet Library June 17 1916
- * The Call from the Air! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Noel Wood-Smith) The Magnet Library December 16 1922
- * The Call of the Circus! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet July 5 1930
- * The Call of the Desert [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Call of the Desert! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library September 13 1924
- * The Call of the Ring [Greyfriars], (n.) (by Charles Hamilton)
- * The Call of the Ring! [Greyfriars], (na) (by Charles Hamilton) The Magnet Library February 5 1927
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