The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 230
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Sagendorph, Kent (1902-1958) (chron.)
- * The Arctic Ace, (nv) Street & Smith’s Air Trails June 1931
- * Articles of War, (ss) The Lone Eagle February 1939
- * The Buccaneer Brand, (ss) Flying Aces March 1931
- * Buzzard Bait, (ss) Street & Smith’s Air Trails April 1931
- * Cloud Curtain, (ss) Air Stories October 1931
- * Command of the Air, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1939
- * The Eye in the Sky, (ss) Air Stories November 1931
- * The Face in the Fokker, (ss) Street & Smith’s Air Trails August 1931
- * Flaming Skies, (ss) Air Stories December 1930
- * The Fledgling Flash, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces January 1936
- * Hell-Bent for Heaven, (ss) G-8 and His Battle Aces November 1933
- * Man-Killer Wings, (ss) Flying Aces June 1934
- * Midnight Raiders, (ss) Flying Aces January 1931
- * One Lone Buzzard, (nv) Top-Notch October 1933
- * The Phantom Ball, (ss) College Stories February 1932
- * Protect the Passenger, (ss) Street & Smith’s Air Trails July 1931
- * Quarts of Sky Wallop, (ss) Airplane Stories March 1931
- * Skyrocket O’Toole, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1935
- * Suicide ’Chutes, (ss) Flying Aces October 1936
- * Suicide Special, (ss) Thrilling Adventures November 1934
- * Thin Air, (ss) Air Stories March 1931
- * Up and Over, (ss) Air Trails March 1937
- * Vulture Gold, (ss) Flying Aces November 1930
- * Winged Victory, (nv) Thrilling Adventures June 1934
_____, [ref.]
Sale, Richard (Bernard) (1911-1993); used pseudonym Bernard Elas (about) (chron.)
- * Avoid All Combat, (ss) Sky Fighters April 1935
- * The Corpse Who Called at Dawn [EscortS, Inc], (ss) Double Detective September 1940
- * The Devil Made a Derringer, (na) All-American Fiction September/October 1938
- * Dig Another Grave [Roony “Calamity” Quade], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 11 1940
- * Duello, (ss) All-American Fiction March/April 1938
- * Eye of the Monster, (sl) New Mystery Adventures Apr, May/Jun 1935
- * Gentlemen, the Flag, (nv) All-American Fiction July/August 1938
- * He Floats Through the Air [Captain McGrail], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 30 1939
- * The House of Kaa [Dean Bradley (The Cobra)], (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1934
- * Killer Takes All, (nv) Secret Agent X August 1935
- * The King Takes Command, (nv) Thrilling Adventures August 1934
- * The Lonely World, (ss) Argosy October 28 1939
- * The Man with the Magical Ears [Captain McGrail], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 3 1940
- * Mungo, (ss) Top-Notch November 1936
- * Mysterious Island, (nv) Mystery Adventure Magazine November 1936
- * The Old Army Game, (ss) All-American Fiction January 1938
- * The Rebels Are Coming!, (nv) Argosy May 6 1939
- * Rescued by Satan, (nv) Mystery Adventure Magazine May 1936
- * Serpent’s Gold, (ss) Mystery Adventure Magazine July 1936
- * Shadows Over China, (na) Thrilling Adventures May 1938
- * Smoked Heads Split, (nv) New Mystery Adventures July 1935
- * South by the Sun, (ss) All-American Fiction November 1937
- * A Star to Steer By, (ss) All-American Fiction May/June 1938
- * Sting of the Scorpion, (nv) Secret Agent X May 1934
- * Sucker for a Squid, (ss) All-American Fiction December 1937
- * Swell Night, (ss) College Stories January 1932
- * Terror Train, (nv) Secret Agent X March 1934
- * Tiger Trap, (ss) Saucy Movie Tales December 1935, as by Bernard Elas
- * Washington and Lee University, (ar) College Stories November 1931
- * The Whispering Corpse, (nv) Secret Agent X August 1934
Salmon, Andrew (1966- ) (chron.)
- * Brand/X: Wealth of Shadows [Fred Brand; Project X], (ss) A Thousand Faces #7, Winter 2009
- * The Cell, (ss) Thirteen Stories July 2003
- * Double Play [Fred Brand; Project X], (ss) A Thousand Faces #12, July 2010
- * Gone Shooting [Fred Brand; Project X], (ss) A Thousand Faces #3, Winter 2008
- * Hunted [Fred Brand; Project X], (ss) A Thousand Faces #5, Summer 2008
- * Soar [Fred Brand; Project X], (ss) A Thousand Faces #0, Spring 2007
- * Solid Ground [Fred Brand; Project X], (ss) A Thousand Faces #2, Fall 2007
Samachson, Joseph (1906-1980); used pseudonyms William Morrison & Brett Sterling (about) (chron.)
- * Days of Creation [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (na) Captain Future Spring 1944, as by Brett Sterling
- * Futuria, the Planet of Wonder, (vi) Captain Future Spring 1944, uncredited.
- * Thirty-Seven Dead Men, (ss) Thrilling Adventures October 1942, as by William Morrison
- * The Worlds of Tomorrow:
* ___ Futuria, the Planet of Wonder, (vi) Captain Future Spring 1944
- * Worlds to Come [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (na) Captain Future Spring 1943, as by Brett Sterling
Sampson, Robert (D.) (1927-1992) (chron.)
- * The Digest Docs, (ar) Pulp Spring 1971
- * Ghost Story, (ar) Pulp Winter 1973
- * The Machineries of the Dark, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories August 1992
- * Pandemonium in Piperock County, (ar) Pulp Adventures #9, Winter 1998 [Ref. W. C. Tuttle]
- * Pulp Confessions, (ar) Pulp Adventures #2, 1994
- * That Inhuman Strength, (ar) Pulp Vault #1, February 1988
- * That Terrible Sunlight, (ar) Pulp Spring 1972
- * The Vulnerable Shadow, (ar) Pulp Fall 1970
- * Who Wrote the Spider (with Joel Frieman & Robert E. Weinberg), (ia) Pulp Fall 1981
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