The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 218
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Richardson, Gladwell (1903-1980); used pseudonym John R. Winslowe (about) (chron.)
- * Above the Rainbow, (sl) Flying Stories May, Jun 1929
- * Bill Anderson’s Pal, (ss) Under Fire Magazine March 1929
- * Calling Drums, (ss) Sea Stories June 1927
- * “Chalk ’Em Up!”, (ss) War Novels #14, March 1929
- * The Flying Kid, (ss) Flight November 1929
- * For the Cause, (ss) Flying Stories March 1929
- * The Ghost Ship, (ss) Man Stories February 1931
- * The Hallelujah Spread, (na) Conflict Summer 1933
- * In Spanish Waters, (ss) Navy Stories April 1929
- * The Jerry Picker, (ss) War Stories #47, January 3 1929
- * The Lotus, (ss) Conflict September/October 1934, as by John R. Winslowe
- * The Mad Gunner, (ss) Battle Stories January 1928
- * The Mate of the “Rover”, (ss) Sea Stories December 1927
- * Rope ’Em Sailor, (ss) World War Stories May 1929
- * The Rowdy of Sunrise Ranch, (nv) Conflict Fall 1933, as by John R. Winslowe
- * The Smokehouse Quartet, (ss) War Stories #51, February 28 1929
- * A Tar in the Trenches, (ss) Battle Stories #11, July 1928
- * Tears from Hell, (ss) All-Fiction November 1930
- * The Terror of the Sky, (ss) Flying Stories February 1929
Richardson, Tracy (1889?-1949) (about) (chron.)
- * About Jack Knight, (ar) Air Trails October 1938 [Ref. Jack Knight]
- * About the Guest Editor, (bg) Air Trails Feb 1939, Nov 1938, Jan 1939, Dec 1938
- * Aviation’s Lie Detector, (ar) Air Trails February 1939
- * The “Fighting Jew” made a Revolutionist Out of Me, (ts) Personal Adventure January 1938
- * Flying Isn’t Everything, (ar) Air Trails June 1938
- * I Started a Revolution, (ts) Personal Adventure December 1937
- * Our Guest Editor, (bg) Air Trails Jul, Aug 1938
- * Test Pilot Test, (ar) Air Trails May 1939
- * 20,000 to 1, (ar) Air Trails October 1938
- * Willie’s Got a Good Job Now, (ss) Air Trails May 1939
Richardson, Vance (fl. 1930s); house pseudonym used by Reginald C. Barker (1881-1937) (chron.)
- * Bells of Hallelujah [Zip Sawyer], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1932
- * The Bully of Camp Three [Zip Sawyer], (ss) (by Reginald C. Barker) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1931
- * Green Timber, (ss) (by Reginald C. Barker) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1931
- * Right of Way, (ss) (by Reginald C. Barker) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1932
- * She’s a Moose!, (ss) (by Reginald C. Barker) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1931
- * Sky-Topping with Death, (ss) (by Reginald C. Barker) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch January 1933
- * Straw Boss [Zip Sawyer], (ss) (by Reginald C. Barker) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1932
- * The Taming of Smiling Smith [Zip Sawyer], (ss) (by Reginald C. Barker) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch December 1932
- * The Timber Beast [Zip Sawyer], (ss) North•West Stories 1st November 1927, as by Reginald C. Barker
- * Timber Beast’s Salute [Zip Sawyer], (ss) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine July 1 1932
- * White-water Man [Zip Sawyer], (ss) (by Reginald C. Barker) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1932
Riesenberg, Sidney H(arry) (1885-1971) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Top-Notch Magazine Jan 1, Jun 15 1916, Oct 15 1922, Apr 15 1924, 2nd Mar, 1st Jun 1929, 2nd Mar 1930, May 1933
- * [front cover], (cv) The Thrill Book Mar 1, Apr 1, Jul 1 1919
- * [front cover], (cv) Sea Stories Magazine Mar 1922, Aug 1925
- * [front cover], (cv) Action Stories May, Nov 1924, Jan 1925, Jun 1937
- * [front cover], (cv) War Stories Apr, May, Jul, #11 Aug 19, #12 Sep 1, #18 Nov 24, #19 Dec 8 1927, #24 Feb 16, #35 Jul 19 1928, #63 Aug 15, #69 Nov 7 1929,
#75 Jan 30, #78 Mar 13, #79 Mar 27 1930
- * [front cover], (cv) War Novels #1 Feb, #10 Nov 1928, #20 Aug, #23 Nov 1929
- * [front cover], (cv) War Birds #5 Jul, #8 Oct, #10 Dec, #11 Dec 24 1928, #12 Jan, #13 Feb, #14 Mar, #15 Apr, #16 May, #17 Jun, #19 Aug, #20 Sep,
#21 Oct, #22 Nov, #23 Dec 1 1929
#25 Jan, #26 Feb, #27 Mar, #28 Apr, #29 May, #30 Jun, #31 Jul, #32 Aug, #35 Nov 1930, #39 Feb, #40 Mar, #41 Apr, #43 Jun,
#44 Jul, #48 Nov 1931
#53 Apr 1932
- * [front cover], (cv) Sky Riders #3 Jan, #4 Feb, #7 May, #8 Jun 1929, #18 Apr, #24 Oct 1930
- * [front cover], (cv) Navy Stories Feb 1929, #10 Mar, #12 Jul 1930
- * [front cover], (cv) Spy Stories February 1929
- * [front cover], (cv) Battle Aces February 1931
- * [front cover], (cv) Wings February 1931
- * [front cover], (cv) War Aces #17, August 1931
- * [front cover], (cv) Action Novels October/November 1932
- * [front cover], (cv) Danger Trail November 1933
- * [front cover], (cv) Pirate Stories Nov 1934, May, Jul, Aug 1935
- * [front cover], (cv) High-Seas Adventures Dec 1934, Apr, Jun 1935
- * [front cover], (cv) All-Adventure Action Novels Fall 1937
- * [front cover], (cv) Civil War Stories Spring 1940
- * [illustration(s)], (il) War Birds #11, December 24 1928
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