The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 114
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Gurdon, J(ohn) E(verard) (1898-1973) (about) (chron.)
- * The Airship Alibi [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Air Stories (UK) October 1936
- * Bats Fly Too, (nv) Air Stories (UK) June 1939
- * The Bloke in the Bowler [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Air Stories (UK) April 1939
- * The Brotherhood of Sin [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1934
- * The Cat and the Diddle [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1933
- * Death Flies Low, (ss) George Bruce’s Squadron May 1934
- * The Devil’s Got Wings, (ss) Air Stories (UK) May 1939
- * Flash-Point, (ss) The (London) Evening News March 4 1936
- * Flight to Hell, (nv) Air Stories (UK) October 1939
- * Fog of Fear [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Air Stories (UK) April 1938
- * The Four Dumb Mouths [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1934
- * The Gentleman from Java [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Air Stories (UK) February 1938
- * The Loop of Death [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Air Stories (UK) May 1936
- * The Mammoth and the Midge, (ss) Air Stories (UK) September 1938
- * Out of the Night, (ss) Air Stories (UK) April 1940
- * “P.P.P.”, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine October 1928
- * Rebellion in Orion, (nv) Air Stories (UK) December 1939
- * The Return of Sergeant Gamble, (ss) Air Stories (UK) February 1940
- * Softy, (ss) Flying Stories March 1930
- * Spies Fly High [Alastair Kinley], (ss) Air Stories (UK) November 1936
- * Winged Warriors, (sl) Air Stories (UK) Feb, Mar, Apr 1936
Gurwit, S(amuel) Gordon (1887-1955) (about) (chron.)
- * Big Juju, (ss) Thrilling Adventures April 1936
- * The Black Ace, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1937
- * A Deal in Dragons, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1936
- * Death from the Stratosphere, (ss) Flying Aces October 1934
- * Flame of the Peacock, (nv) Thrilling Adventures June 1939
- * Floating Gold, (nv) Thrilling Adventures February 1938
- * The Golden Cache of Pahua Cove, (na) South Sea Stories February 1940
- * “G”-Trap, (nv) Secret Agent X October 1936
- * In the Papuan Lowlands, (nv) Top-Notch June 1936
- * Out of the Coral Sea, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 18 1922
- * Outpost of the Lawless, (nv) Thrilling Adventures April 1941
- * Skeletons in Armor, (ss) Thrilling Adventures February 1940
- * South Sea Dictator, (n.) South Sea Stories December 1939
- * Speed Planes for Moscow, (nv) The Magic Carpet Magazine January 1934
- * Tropic Treasure, (nv) Thrilling Adventures November 1936
- * The White Cockatoo Murders, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly August 1936
Haggard, [Sir] H(enry) Rider (1856-1925) (about) (chron.)
- * Smith and the Pharaohs, (na) The Strand Magazine December 1912 (+2)
- * The Treasure of the Lake, (n.) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine Dec 1925, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun/Jul, Aug, Sep 1926
_____, [ref.]
Hains, T(hornton) Jenkins (1866-1953); used pseudonym Mayn Clew Garnett (about) (chron.)
- * The Adventure of Captain Junard [Captain Junard], (ss) New Story Magazine June 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * At the End of the Drag-Rope, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1907
- * At Zunda Head, (ss) The Danger Trail December 1926
- * Bluffing the Sea Wolves, (ss) Top-Notch August 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Boat Steerer [Captain Black], (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Borrowed Trouble, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Bulldog’s Bilge, (ss) The Danger Trail May 1926
- * But Who Cared?, (ss) Top-Notch March 15 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * By Favor of the Sea, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 1 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Captain Henry, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 15 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Captain Power’s Policy, (ss) Sea Stories August 1928
- * Coasting Small, (na) Sea Stories Magazine October 1925
- * Cyclone, (nv) Sea Stories Magazine April 1926
- * Death in the Moonlight, (ss) Excitement November 1930
- * The Dilemma’s Horns, (nv) Sea Stories July 1928
- * The “Duchess of Dijon”, (ss) Sea Stories July 1927
- * The End of the Drag-Rope, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1907, as "At the End of the Drag-Rope"
- * The End of the Flying Cloud, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine October 1926
- * “Fin Out!”, (ss) Top-Notch July 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Firecrackers, (nv) Sea Stories September 1928
- * Five-Fathom Bank, (ss) Top-Notch November 1 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Gold Streak, (ss) Sea Stories January 1929
- * Gone to Leeward, (ss) Top-Notch February 15 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * “Hardboiled Seagrit”, (nv) Sea Stories Magazine November 1925, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * In the Doldrums, (nv) Sea Stories November 1929
- * In the Ice Lanes, (nv) Sea Stories Magazine December 1926
- * In the Seventies, (nv) Sea Stories April 1929
- * In the Wake of the Weather Cloth, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 1 1910, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Isabella, (ss) Sea Stories March 1927
- * Jonah Bill, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine May 1925
- * Just a Chance, (ss) Top-Notch September 15 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Lost Boat, (ss) Top-Notch February 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Lost Boat Survivor, (ss) Sea Stories August 1929
- * Lost Ship, (pm) Sea Stories Magazine November 1925
- * A Marine Muddle, (ss) Sea Stories February 1928
- * Marooned [Bahama Bill], (ss) Sea Stories Magazine April 1924, as by Mayn Clew Garnett; revised from the story of the same name (The Popular Magazine, July 1908, as by T. Jenkins Hains) to turn it into a Bahama Bill story.
- * The Missing Ship, (pm) Metropolitan Magazine October 1904
- * The Missing Ship “Middleborough”, (nv) Sea Stories October 1928
- * The Night of a Thousand Eyes, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine August 1926
- * Officer’s Luck, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine July 1925
- * Officer Smith, (ss) Sea Stories May 1927
- * On the Great Bahama Bank [Bahama Bill], (ss) The Popular Magazine May 1907
- * On the Outer Reef [Bahama Bill], (nv) The Popular Magazine March 1907
- * On the Rim of the World, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * On the Solander Rock, (ss) Sea Stories April 1928
- * On the South Coast, (ss) Sea Stories July 1929
- * Passing Out, (pm) Sea Stories December 1927
- * Prisoners of Chance, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The Racing Man, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 15 1913, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Salt-Water Destiny, (nv) Sea Stories October 1927
- * Shark, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine January 1926
- * A Strange Adventure, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine April 1925
- * Streetman’s Partner, (ss) Top-Notch October 1 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Tragedy to Windward, (ss) Sea Stories May 1928
- * Two Lady Passengers, (ss) Top-Notch January 15 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * A Voice from the Past, (ss) Sea Stories September 1927
- * The Voyage of the “Flying Cloud”, (na) Sea Stories Magazine February 1926
- * The Way of the Sea, (ss) Top-Notch April 1 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * When All Were Equal, (ss) The Ocean May 1907
- * The White Ghost of Disaster, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 1 1912, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * The White Veil of Mystery [Bahama Bill], (ss) Sea Stories Magazine March 1924, as by Mayn Clew Garnett; revised from the story of the same name (The Popular Magazine, July 1908, as by T. Jenkins Hains) to turn it into a Bahama Bill story.
- * Wireless Goats, (ss) Top-Notch September 1 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * With the Fear of Death [Hammerhead Jones], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1907, as by T. Jenkins Hains
- * The Wreck of the Ramidan, (na) Sea Stories Magazine March 1925
- * Yellow Plunder, (ss) Top-Notch July 1 1911, as by Mayn Clew Garnett
- * Zornson, Seaman, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine March 1926
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