The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 62
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Cunningham, Eugene (1896-1957) (about) (chron.)
- * Adios Guns [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories September 1936
- * Bass Outlaw—The Little Wolf, (ar) All-Fiction February 1931
- * Battle Order, (ss) Soldier Stories April 1929
- * Beach Comber, (ss) Complete Stories September 1928
- * Ben Thompson’s Luck, (ar) All-Fiction October 1930
- * The Bigger Feud, (ss) War Stories July 1927
- * The Blood Red Line, (nv) Action Novels February 1930
- * Bloody Black Flag, (nv) Thrilling Adventures August 1935
- * Brand of the Beast, (nv) Action Stories October 1935
- * Buscadero Brand, (ss) Action Stories September 1930
- * Captain Lobo, (nv) Action Stories September 1934
- * The Champ, (ss) All Star Adventure Fiction September 1936
- * The Charm of Fish-Face O’Toole, (ss) War Stories May 1927
- * Courtright the Longhaired, (ar) All-Fiction November 1930
- * Coyote Sign, (nv) Action Novels April 1932
- * Dancer of the Rio Grande, (ss) Adventure Trails July 1938
- * Death Takes the Saddle [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories October 1936
- * Death Threat [Richard Rolston (Hammer Luck)], (ss) Black Bat Detective Mysteries November 1933
- * Don Diamond-Back, (ss) Action Stories October 1930
- * Enter the Snake [Richard Rolston (Hammer Luck)], (ss) Black Bat Detective Mysteries December 1933
- * The Extra Hand, (ss) War Stories #103, February 1932
- * Fastest Gun in Texas [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories April 1936
- * Feud-Buster, (nv) All Star Adventure Magazine December 1936
- * Forbidden Seas, (ss) War Stories #12, September 1 1927
- * The Fore Peak Ladder, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine November 1926
- * Gunfighter [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories April 1935
- * Gun Ghosts Ride [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories February 1936
- * Gunman’s Chance, (nv) Action Novels August 1931
- * Gunner’s Choice, (ss) Soldier Stories May 1929
- * Guns for the Rebels, (ss) Adventure Yarns August 1938
- * Gun-Trails West [Lance Craig], (nv) Action Stories June 1937
- * Hard-Luck Lowery, (ss) War Stories December 1926
- * Hard to Kill, (nv) Frontier Stories May 1931
- * The High Nine, (ss) Action Stories September 1931
- * High Pressure, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine October 1926
- * Hired Guns, (nv) Action Stories November 1930
- * Killer from the Argentine [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories December 1935
- * King of the Bunkhouse, (ss) Action Stories February 1930
- * The Kiote Killers [Lance Craig], (nv) Action Stories February 1937
- * Law of the Lawless, (ss) Action Stories March 1931
- * The Light on the Teneriffe, (ss) War Stories April 1927
- * Lone Star Law, (ss) Action Stories October 1938
- * Lone-Wolf Ranger [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories June 1936
- * Long and Short, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1928
- * Mountain Men, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1928
- * Navy Stuff, (ss) Soldier Stories July 1929
- * “Once a Texan-”, (ss) Action Stories September 1928
- * One Less U-Boat, (ss) Battle Stories February 1928
- * A One-Man Navy, (ss) Navy Stories #1, April 1930
- * One-Man Posse from the Panhandle, (ss) Action Stories July 1939
- * One Riot—One Ranger! [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories December 1936
- * Outlaw Bait, (nv) Action Stories April 1938
- * Overleave, (ss) War Stories February 1927
- * Owlhoot Destiny, (nv) Action Stories April 1943
- * Owlhoot Range, (ss) Action Stories April 1939
- * Pardners of the Quick Trigger, (nv) Action Stories January 1937
- * The Phantom Gunman [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories August 1935
- * Prelude to War, (ss) Adventure Novels and Short Stories September 1939
- * Quick-Shot Range, (nv) All Fiction Stories May 1931
- * The Ranch of the Damned [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories February 1935
- * Range of the Damned [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories November 1936
- * Ranger Captain John R. Hughes, (ar) All-Fiction December 1930
- * Ranger Poison, (ss) Action Stories August 1942
- * Rawhide Law, (nv) Action Stories February 1938
- * The Red Rustler’s Brand, (ss) Action Stories February 1942
- * Redshirts of Destiny, (na) Brief Stories January 1928 (+4)
- * Rider of Red Trails, (nv) Action Stories January 1929
- * Rio Renegade [Gip Drago], (nv) Action Stories August 1936
- * The Road to Hell, (nv) Action Stories July 1929
- * Rope for Rustlers, (nv) Action Stories December 1937
- * Run, Texan, Run!, (ss) Action Stories February 1941
- * Salads and Slum, (ss) Navy Stories #4, May 1929
- * Senor Cyclone, (ss) Action Stories August 1931
- * Sidewinder, (na) Action Stories October 1934
- * Smoky Joe, (na) Action Stories December 1934
- * Snake Tracks, (nv) Action Stories June 1934
- * Son of a Six-Gun, (ss) Action Stories June 1930
- * Steel-Fish Stew, (ss) Action Stories April 1941
- * Stranger from Laredo, (nv) Action Stories August 1937
- * Suicide Range, (nv) Action Stories April 1937
- * Tar and Leatherneck ’Em, (ss) Battle Stories #10, June 1928
- * The Tejanito, (ss) Action Stories February 1931
- * Texas Is Texas, (nv) Action Stories October 1937
- * Texas Renegade, (ss) Action Stories August 1938
- * The Texas Tornado [Gip Drago], (na) Action Stories June 1935
- * Tom Threepersons, (ts) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine July 1927
- * “Travel, Texan, Travel”, (nv) Action Stories December 1938
- * The Triple Kill [Richard Rolston (Hammer Luck)], (nv) Black Aces June 1932
- * Tropic Interlude, (ss) Adventure Yarns December 1938
- * Trouble Brand, (ss) Action Stories June 1932
- * Twenty Grand Is Jack [Richard Rolston (Hammer Luck)], (nv) Black Bat Detective Mysteries February 1934
- * Two Against Texas, (nv) Action Stories January/February 1934
- * The Two-Gun Marshal, (ar) All-Fiction March 1931
- * Two Texans Too Many!, (ss) Action Stories June 1938
- * Wanted, (ss) Action Stories July 1932
- * The Ways of a Man, (nv) All-Fiction November 1930
- * Wildcat Does His Stuff, (ss) Action Stories March 1928
Curry, Lance (fl. 1980s-2000s); used pseudonym Brant House (chron.)
- * A Dark and Stormy Night, (nv) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #22, March 1997
- * Deadline to Holocaust, (nv) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #27, August 1997
- * Emperor of the Sun, (sl) Double Danger Tales #17 Jun, #18 Jul, #19 Aug, #20 Sep 1998
- * Lunar League [Secret Agent X; Steve Thatcher (The Moon Man)], (na) Double Danger Tales #41, December 2000, as by Brant House
- * Midnight Murder [Steve Thatcher (The Moon Man)], (ss) Double Danger Tales #30, August 1999
- * Moonlight Drive [Steve Thatcher (The Moon Man)], (ss) Double Danger Tales #33, November 1999
- * Moon Madness [Steve Thatcher (The Moon Man)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #13, February 1998
- * Moon Over Haunted Mansion [Steve Thatcher (The Moon Man)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #8, September 1997
- * Trail of the Cat [Steve Thatcher (The Moon Man)], (ss) Double Danger Tales #35, January 2000
Curry, Tom; [i.e., Thomas Albert Curry, Jr.] (1900-1976); used pseudonyms John L. Benton, Jackson Cole, C. K. M. Scanlon & Reeve Walker (about) (chron.)
- * The Bag, (ss) Flyers September 1929
- * Bawl and Jane [Daniel Harwin], (ss) G-Men December 1938
- * The Best Laid Plan, (ss) Star Magazine September 1931
- * The Big Cat’s Claws, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine February 1966
- * Black Fury, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1940
- * The Blow-off, (ss) All Fiction Stories May 1931
- * The Death Count, (nv) Three Star Magazine 2nd May 1928
- * The Death Drill, (ss) Dime Adventure Magazine June 1935
- * Death Money [Jimmy Lannigan], (nv) Rapid-Fire Detective Stories April 1933
- * Desert Death, (ss) Thrilling Adventures March 1937
- * Diamonds of Doom, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1936
- * Diamonds of Pelée, (ss) All Fiction Stories July 1931
- * Diamonds of the Catirimani, (nv) Wide World Adventures February 1930
- * “Dizzy” Fish, Derrick Man, (ss) The Danger Trail August 1928
- * Emperor of the Pecos [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers February 1941, as by Jackson Cole
- * The Fool, (ss) The Danger Trail March 1927
- * Fool Americano, (nv) Thrilling Adventures November 1934
- * From an Amber Block, (ss) Astounding Stories of Super-Science July 1930
- * Frontier Guns [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western December 1939
- * The Golden River, (nv) Illustrated Adventure Trails May 1929
- * Guiana Trap, (ss) Dime Adventure Magazine October 1935
- * The Hero, (ss) Sport Story Magazine November 22 1926
- * The Jolt, (ss) Clues 1st November 1929
- * Jungle Bird, (ss) Air Trails February 1929
- * Jungle Breakers, (na) The Danger Trail October 1926
- * Jungle Enemy, (nv) Thrilling Adventures February 1936
- * Jungle Treasure, (na) The Danger Trail January 1927
- * Law on the Winter Range [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers September 1947, as by Jackson Cole
- * Love Pulls the Trigger, (ss) Western Romances June 1934
- * Love’s Reward, (ss)
- * Master of Skullduggery, (ss) Thrilling Adventures March 1940
- * Murder for Cover, (nv) All Star Detective Stories July 1931
- * Pay-Off, (ss) Clues 1st June 1929
- * The Pirates, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine February 1927
- * Poetry or Pottery?, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1918
- * Riders of Desire, (ss) Western Romances July 1934
- * The Second Safecracker, (ss) Clues All Star Detective Stories January 1933
- * Shanghai’d, (ss) Action Stories September 1934
- * Smoke-Trails to Danger, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly March 1935
- * Smoky Death, (nv) Dynamic Adventures February 1936
- * The Soul-Snatcher, (ss) Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930
- * Trap in the Solomons, (vi) Thrilling Adventures November 1943
- * Venezuelan Interlude, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1937
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