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British Popular Fiction Magazine Index: Missing Issues

The following is a list of all the magazines that will be covered by the British Popular Fiction Magazine Index for which no known copies of certain issues have yet been located.

The Blue Magazine Missing: Oct-1928
Britannia Missing: 28-Sep-1928
The Club Room Missing: any issues from Dec-1913 on
The Jolly Mag. Missing: Jun-1927; Aug-1927; Sep-1927
The Merry Mag. Missing: Dec-1924; Jan-1925; May-1929 to Feb-1930
Modern Stories Missing: Aug-1934; Sep-1934; Oct-1934; any after Dec-1934
The Novel Magazine Missing: Oct-1917; Nov-1917; Jan-1918; Feb-1918; Mar-1918; May-1918; Jun-1918; Aug-1918; Sep-1936
Pearson's Magazine Missing: Jul-1938; Aug-1938
Romance [1923] Missing: Jun-1927; Jul-1927
Sievier's Monthly Missing: Missing: #5, May-1909; #11, Nov-1909; #21, Sep-1910; #22, Oct-1910
Standard Stories Missing: May-1926
The Violet Magazine Missing: Sep-1938 to Nov-1939
Yes or No Missing: most issues