Sax Rohmer's Titles in Portuguese

Last updated: 15 November 2004

    The following titles are grouped by publisher and publisher's series.   Dates and pagination are given where known.   The original list was compiled by R. E. Briney, based in large part on information supplied by Brazilian author and critic Paulo de Medeiros y Albuquerque. Additional titles were found by Brian Hughes and Rimmer Sterk who also supplied some of the scans.   Additions and corrections to this list will be welcomed.

I. Published in Brazil

Cia. Editora Nacional

"Serie Negra":
O Presidente Fú Manchú [President Fu Manchu]
"Coleção Paratodos":
O Dr. Fú Manchú [The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu]
A Volta do Dr. Fú Manchú [The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu]
Colecao Amarela  
  O senhor da magia negra [The Man of Black Magic] . . Translator : Lauro S. Blandy. 1930-ies. Number of pages unknown. [Brood of the Witch Queen]

Livraria do Globo: Pôrto Alegre, Brasil

"Coleção Amarela":
nº 17 A Mão de Fú Manchú [The Hand of Fu Manchu]
nº 18 A Garra Amarela
1932. Translator : J. de Sousa. Pictorial hardcover, probably issued with dustjacket. 317 pages.
[The Yellow Claw]
nº 21 Língua de Fogo [Fire Tongue]
nº 25 O Escorpião de Ouro
  Edição No. 470, pb, 1940, 234 pages,
   translated    by Pedro Nunes
[The Golden Scorpion]
nº 36 A Filha de Fú Manchú [Daughter of Fu Manchu]
nº 42 O Imperador de América [The Emperor of America]
nº 50 O Espectro da Cara Cinzenta  [The Ghost
   of the Gray Face]
[Grey Face]
nº 54 Asa de Morcêgo [Bat Wing]
nº 66 A Mão Decepada  [The Mutilated Hand] [?]
nº 70 Sombras Amarelas [Yellow Shadows]
nº 74 Tóxico [Dope (?)]
nº 86 Quando a morte ri [When Death Laughs]
   Edição No. 982, pb, 1942, 228 pages,
    translated by Isaac Soares
[Yu'an Hee See Laughs]
nº ? O Enigmo do Sarcófago  [The Riddle of
   the Sarcophagus]
nº ? Lua de Loucura [Moon of Madness]
nº ? A Risada da Morte
   [This may be the same as nº 86 above.]
nº ? O Romance da Feitçaria
   "fora da coleção"  ["outside the Collection"],
[The Romance of Sorcery]
1937 Lua de Loucura   Tradução de Luiza E. Lindau Ferreira. In the magazine A Novela (Revista Mensal de Literatura) No. 11, August 1937, pp. 8 - 93.  Pôrto Alegre, Brasil: Livraria do Globo.

Cover and interior illustration by Edgar Koetz.

[Moon of Madness].

From the collection of R. E. Briney

"Coluna" - Sociedade Editôra Ltda.: São Paulo, Brasil

"Colecão Vampiro":
nº 26 Os Olhos Verdes
   pb, 1952, 141 pages, translated by
   Jacob Penteado, Cr.$7,00
   [Note: Title page gives author's name as
   "Sax Rohner" with an 'n']
[The Green Eyes of Bast]

From the collection of R. E. Briney

"Edições de Ouro" - Tecnoprint Gráfica S.A.: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

"Série Terror":
   All of the following titles are standard sized paperbacks, undated, but published circa 1960.
nº 716 O Império de Fu Manchu
   193 pages, translated by Iolanda Guaspari;
   cover by Richard Powers [from U.S.
[Emperor Fu Manchu]
nº 717 Sumuru; A Escravizadora de Homens 
    [Sumuru: Enslaver of Men]
[Nude in Mink]
nº 718 O Signo da Serpente [The Sign of the
   189 pages, translated by Maria de Lourdes
    Lima Modiano;  cover by James Meese
    [from the U.S. paperback of  Return of

From the collection of R. E. Briney

nº 719 A Deusa do Fogo
[The Fire Goddess]
nº 720 A Volta de Sumuru
193 pages. Translator : Madeleine Thoma. 193 pages. 1962.
[Return of Sumuru]
nº 721 A Madona Sinistra
Translator : Maria de Lourdes Lima Modiano. 143 pages. Publ. in 1962.
[Sinister Madonna]

From the collection of Rimmer Sterk

Covers adapted from the American Gold Medal editions of Sumuru and Sinister Madonna.

The spines shows the artwork from the  Gold Medal edition of Return of Sumuru.

II. Published in Portugal

[1955].   Sumuru.   Translated by Emília C. Silva.   Lisbon, Portugal: Edição <<Livros do Brasil>>.   202 pages.   16 cm.   Cover by Cândido Costa Pinto.   "Coleção Vampiro" n° 92.

1957.   Relíquia sangrenta.   [Quest of the Sacred Slipper (?)]   Porto: António Lopes Ferreira.   175 pages.   Policial corvo n° 4.

1957.   A serpente de jade.   ["The Jade Serpent"]   Translated by Luís Augosto de Sousa.   Lisbon, Portugal: Organizaçœs.   13 pages. Illustrated.   Biblioteca mocho n° 13.

1976.   O regresso do dr. Fu-Manchu.   [The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu]   Tradução par F. Lemos.   Lisbon: Portugal Press.   360 pages.   22 cm.   Aventura n° 5.

1979.   O mistério do doutor Fu Manchu.   [The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu]   Translated by Joao Martins.   Lisbon, Portugal: Editorial Vega.   335 pages.   19 cm.   Circulo Negro n° 1.

From the Pulp Zone
>From the Pulp Zone site. Used with permission.

Detective Magazine
A pulp magazine published in Portugal (1945-46).
nº 2 Contained one or more Rohmer stories.

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