The Secret Power of Fu Manchu
The Secret Power
of Fu-Manchu was Michael
McQuary's first portrayal of the Devil Doctor. It was a
musical presented at the Cooper Square Theatre in 1990. It was set in
Manchu's House of The
Orient, and iIt featured original
songs and a big floor show number. Fu-Manchu
had a tarantella, tango solo with the
Jay Arthur Rank Gong Boy. It was described as "a
little on the camp side--but very intense."
Drawing by
Michael McQuary
It matters not how well explored a great sprawling Metropolis is~every
turn of the corner may bring a new surprise, a
new danger. Now...You've stumbled upon the
threshold, east of Shanghia....left of time lost where treachery, terror,
romance and unspeakable feasts of disguise,
magic, are witnessed, not to be believed, by the
We hear deafening laughter, of an ancient tale
of a yellow dragon who will eat you, like a cat
swallows a mouse. With songs, tricks, transformations, draining the youth
and beauty, of innocent young couples, to
sustain this demon's lust for power, and
knowledge, of the world's
most guarded secrets....... It's Fu~Manchu. Are
Nick and Nora Charles to break the secret
puzzle box of Manchu's magic?
They discover that only
true love will break his spell and trick
him when he attempts to drug them.
To use their power to
cause the ancient Foo Dogs of protection
to confront him and his evil reign ...and
fall on him. Our heroes
escape to other adventures, and ever lasting
love. An old peddler comes from the far distant
smoke....welcoming us in, to his house of
ancient wonders!
Locks, chains, giant shutters, Shut us in! It
is Fu~Manchu, laughing at us.....Never to let us go!
All of us! ~The End . |
Fu-Manchu is a Master
of Disguise as he hopes to triumph by stealing
the Warrior Stone
from the London Museum. It is
invaluable as it is said that it will give
whoever possesses it ultimate power!
Fu-Manchu must have it. The Warrior Stone
is reported stolen and in its place, an
ancient jade coin, from the Manchu dynasty.
Michael McQuary as Dr. Fu~Manchu
Sometimes called the "New Man of a
Thousand Faces,
Michael McQuary once again stars as Dr.
Eric Espiritu, Robert Andreala, and Michael McQuary
Eric Espiritu,
Carrie Rosenberg
and Michael McQuary
Chad Thomas,
Michael McQuary
and Eric
Eric Espiritu,
Robert Andreala,
and Michael McQuary
In crystal ball, the
servant Kudar- Abdul Ghani
Dr. Nayland
Smith - James Sexton
Dacoit -Eric Espiritu
Girl in Peril - Jennifer