Hungarian Translations of Sax Rohmer

3 March 2005

1920.  Fo-Hi. [The Golden Scorpion]. Budapest: Rózsavölgyi. 228pp, translated by István Zombory

1928.  Si-Fan. Budapest: Légrády. 201pp, translated by ???

1932. Amerika Császára. [The Emperor of America?]  It appeared in  Magyarország [=Hungary], a daily newspaper, between September 11 and October 26, 1932, in 39 parts, translated by Endre Csánk. 

1935.  A Nevető Gyilkos . [The Laughing Murderer] Budapest: Athenaeum. 216pp, translated by Gábor Horváth

1937.  Az Arany Skorpió  [The Golden Scorpion]. Keleti Misztérium. [Eastern Mystery] Budapest: Tolnai. 256pp, translated by István Zombory. No date is given in the book but Endre Zsoldos reports the date as given in the catalogue of the Szechenyi National Library. 

1943.  Doktor Fu-Manchu. Budapest: Kaland. 189pp, translated by Leó Vécsey

1943.  Fu-Manchu Utolsó Esete. [The Last Case of Fu Manchu] Budapest: Kaland. 192pp, translated by Leó Vécsey

n. d.   Dr. Fu-Manchu Különös Története. [The Strange Story of Dr. Fu Manchu] Budapest: Légrády. 170pp, translated by Leó Vécsey

This information was supplied by Endre Zsoldos in Hungary. 
Endre also provided the copy of Az Arany Skorpió pictured above.

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