Gerard C. Delano's "Yellow Peril Cover Art"
Revised September 27, 2000

Gerard C. Delano's quintessential "yellow peril" artwork depicting two sinister Orientals apparently looking for someone to stab was used as cover art four times--three of which were Sax Rohmer titles.

March 1931


From the collection of Lawrence Knapp
Midsummer 1932


From the collection of Lawrence Knapp
New York: The Crime Club, 1933.
& New York: A. L. Burt, reprint.


Delano's knife wielder even made 
the hard cover.


From the collection of Lawrence Knapp
New York: Caxton House, 1939.

Gerard Curtis Delano (1890-1972) studied with N. C. Wyeth and others at  the Art Students League of New York. After naval service in World War I he worked on a cattle ranch in Colorado and returning to New York became a premier artist and illustrator of Western stories in magazines ranging from Ace-High,  Adventure, Colliers, Cosmopolitan, Cowboy Stories, Ranch Romances, Star, Star Novels,  and Western Story. As illustrated above, he also illustrated a variety of other stories.

A brief biography of Gerard C. Delano may be found on the Meadowlark Gallery site.

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