
"Letter" from Top-Notch

from Top-Notch

Mr. George C. Smith, Jr.,
Pres. Street & Smith,
79 Seventh Ave.,
New York, N. Y.

My dear Mr. Smith;

I hail the 25th Anniversary of Top-Notch with cheers and with good wishes for many more anniversaries for the magazine and its publishers. For more years than I can remember the Street & Smith publications have been giving America clean literature. Before I came to New York to be a free lance writer, 38 years ago, my writing had appeared in Street & Smith publications, and the very month I arrived in New York I was given a young writer's best welcome -- the acceptance of another piece. I am still glad to appear in Street & Smith's pages whenever my stories are acceptable to them.

[signed] Ellis Parker Butler

Top Notch March 1935

Saturday, October 07 at 5:45:27am USA Central