
Bibliography of Ellis Parker Butler
Ellis Parker Butler published in "American Magazine"

    <<   1922   >>

  1. American Magazine (May, 1922)   "Ghosts What Ain't"   An essay. "It is a ten-to-one shot that you are nursing one of these ghosts what ain't, right now, letting it make you hesitate, and side-step, and put off going after the things that you want and ought to have." Also published as a small book.  [RGTPL]
  2. _____ (August, 1922)   "Get Into the Right Rut -- Then Stay in It"   An essay. p 49, 128-30.  [RGTPL]
  3. _____ (November, 1922)    [EBAY]
  4. 'Are You a Short-Sword Man?' from American Magazine (December, 1922)
  5. _____ (December, 1922)   "Are You a Short-Sword Man?" Click here to see a picture of this item.An essay.  [RGTPL]

See all the American Magazine cover art.

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