
Bibliography of Ellis Parker Butler
Ellis Parker Butler published in "Appleton's Magazine"

    <<   1909   >>

  1. Appleton's Magazine (March, 1909)   "The Great Timascheff-Servadac Duel"   Satire. "An Unwritten Chapter from Jules Vernes's 'Hector Servadac.'" Illustrated by Horace Taylor. p 330-36.  [EPBLIB]
  2. _____ (April, 1909)   "The Sloop-Rigged Palfrey"   "An Unwritten Chapter from Alexander Dumas' The Count of Monte Christo." Illustrated by Horace Taylor. p 446-53.  [EPBLIB]
  3. _____ (May, 1909)   "I Gae Doon the Doone Dune"   Satire. "An Unwritten Chapter from R. D. Blackmore's Lorna Doone." Illustrated by Horace Taylor. p 581-88.  [EPBLIB]
  4. _____ (June, 1909)   "The Monk and the Maidens"   "An Unwritten Chapter from Charles Kingsley's Hypatia." Illustrated by Horace Taylor. p 658-665.  [EPBLIB]

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