
Bibliography of Ellis Parker Butler
Ellis Parker Butler published in "People's Home Journal"

    'The Man with the Glass Front' from People's Home Journal magazine (January, 1909)

    <<   1909   >>

  1. People's Home Journal (January, 1909)   "The Man with the Glass Front" Click here to see a picture of this item.A story. p 13.  [EPBLIB]
  2. _____ (February, 1909)    [EBAY]
  3. _____ (March, 1909)    [EBAY]
  4. _____ (May, 1909)    [EBAY]
  5. _____ (June, 1909)   "The Republic of Susan B."   A story. Not listed in HARPER.  [EPBLIB]
  6. _____ (July, 1909)    [EBAY]
  7. _____ (September, 1909)   "A Fortune in Hot Air" Click here to see a picture of this item.A Perkins of Portland story. Illustrated. p 10.  [EPBLIB]
  8. _____ (October, 1909)    [EBAY]
  9. _____ (November, 1909)    [EBAY]

See all the People's Home Journal cover art.

Saturday, October 07 at 6:18:56am USA Central