
Bibliography of Ellis Parker Butler
Ellis Parker Butler published in "American Magazine"

    <<   1920   >>

  1. American Magazine (March, 1920)   "I Wish I Had Not Been a Well-Frog"   An essay.  [RGTPL]
  2. _____ (April, 1920)   "How's Your Climate? Have You Got It With You?"    [RGTPL]
  3. _____ (May, 1920)   "Back to the Old Home Town"   An essay. "The jolts and the joys you get when you make the trip." Illustrated by Tony Sarg.  [RGTPL]
  4. _____ (June, 1920)   "How Much Time Do You Spend Turning Over Ducks?"   An essay. "Is There Such a Thing As Being Too Nice to Bores?" p 68-9, 182-87.  [RGTPL]

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